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Staff pet Spotlight: Capri

By March 15, 2019 October 1st, 2019 blog

This installment written by Dr. Sarah MacGregor

Welcome to the first installment of our new series. Our first introduction is my cat, Capri  (he was named after the pants !)

Age: 17 years!

Adoption Story:  Capri and his fellow littermates were given to a local pet store to be sold. However, Capri had a very large umbilical hernia that needed surgery. So the pet store relinquished him to the veterinary clinic where I worked.  Capri was such a friendly cat- he was constantly rubbing on the cage doors for attention – so I just knew I had to take him home.

Favorite activities:  Capri used to love lounging in the sun in the fenced backyard but as he gets older he prefers to lounge indoors on his cat condo where it’s always warm. He also loves to flop and roll at your feet begging to be rubbed.

Health issues:  Capri has been fairly healthy, however as a young cat, he needed another surgery after   the hernia repair. He had chronic anal gland issues, and so I again did surgery- this time to remove the  anal  glands.  Now, as a geriatric cat Capri has inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and needs to be on prednisone consistently, which makes it more challenging to treat his osteoarthritis.  I am very grateful to be a Guelph veterinarian and able to offer him excellent care at his advanced age!

Why my pet is THE BEST! :  Capri has a very gentle disposition and is a very sweet cat.  He has never scratched or bitten anyone, including my young children.  He is happy to be held and carried around in the most awkward of positions by my 4 year old. He is such a good sport!


Up to no good! : Capri used to jump to the top of the kitchen cupboards to open the one with the catnip container. He would knock it to the ground and chew the container to get the cat nip out!  He always left a huge mess behind.

Capri has been a wonderful part of my life for 17 years and I am hoping we have lots more years together!

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