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  • Testing for diabetes includes confirming hyperglycemia and glucosuria while looking for other conditions by taking a complete blood count (anemia, infection), biochemistry profile (hepatic disease, pancreatitis), and a urinalysis (urinary tract infection). Monitoring includes regular glucose curves and additional exams and testing based on the pet owner's monitoring of their cat's clinical signs at home. Urine glucose testing and fructosamine are sometimes used in diabetic monitoring and urine testing for infection may be recommended.

  • If your cat is having diarrhea, please complete this questionnaire as accurately as possible before your appointment. This information will be very helpful to your veterinarian in determining the cause of diarrhea.

  • DNA is a large complex molecule that carries the genetic information or genetic code of an organism. All common forms of life, such as viruses, bacteria, plants, and animals carry a copy of their own genetic code in each of their cells. Each organism has a unique section of DNA that is just like a fingerprint. DNA-PCR is often used to detect the presence of infectious organisms; especially when detecting extremely small numbers of infectious organisms and for detecting certain viruses and bacteria that are difficult to diagnose by other methods.

  • An electrocardiogram, or ECG, is a test that is used to assess the heart. More specifically, an ECG records the transmission of an electrical impulse through the heart. This test is not painful and is typically performed as an outpatient procedure. Analyzing the electrical impulses produced as the heart beats can help identify a number of different abnormalities within the heart.

  • A fecal Baermann is a special fecal test used to diagnose infection by parasites that pass larvae in stool instead of eggs. A small golf-ball sized sample of fresh stool is mixed with warm water to encourage larvae to separate from the fecal material to allow identification. The most common parasite diagnosed with a fecal Baermann is lungworm, which typically causes signs of coughing.

  • A fecal flotation is a screening test for internal parasites. It is performed by mixing a small sample of stool with a special solution that causes any parasite eggs to float to the surface of the solution. Young pets need multiple fecal flotations to screen for infection, while adults may only need a fecal screening once yearly unless they are at higher risk of infection.

  • A fecal occult blood test screens for the presence of hemoglobin (a component of red blood cells) in a fecal sample. Many conditions can cause blood to appear in the stool including intestinal ulceration, neoplasia, dental disease, and parasites.

  • FIP is one of the most challenging diseases to diagnose because feline coronaviruses are commonly found in the intestinal tract of many healthy cats. When this virus mutates or changes, clinical disease occurs. Unfortunately, routine blood testing for feline coronavirus is not clinically useful. Instead, testing is restricted to those cats in which a diagnosis of FIP is strongly suspected due to clinical signs and other supportive laboratory data. Histopathology remains the best way to diagnose FIP in the living cat.

  • Fine needle aspiration is a useful tool to collect samples for cytology and is often used to diagnose abnormal lumps on your pet's body as well as evaluation of fluid samples and tissue surfaces. It is relatively simple and inexpensive but can provide a lot of information. Depending on results, further tests may be indicated to best help your pet.

  • Flow cytometry is a laboratory technique that can be used for counting, examining, and sorting cells. A sample is passed through a light source and as the cells move through the path of the light source, they scatter the light in different ways.