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Staff Pet Spotlight: Snickers

By October 21, 2020 blog

Staff Pet Spotlight: Snickers

This installment written by Lyrel our receptionist.

Age: 15 years!

Adoption Story:  When a neighbourhood cat in Guelph had kittens Snickers was adopted out to my boyfriend’s family. I grew up without pets in my household yet I’ve always loved animals so I was thrilled to spend so much time with such a social and friendly cat. I’ve known Snickers since she was 8 years old and at 15 years now she is still a remarkably healthy and happy cat.

Favorite activities:  Snickers was mostly an outdoor cat for the first half of her life. Since I live on a property outside of Guelph her favourite thing used to be wandering about the property, catching all sorts of animals to snack on! Since Snickers is much older and arthritic now her favourite activities include lounging in the sun on her “catio” and seeking attention from human companions.

Health issues:  For most of her life Snickers was a very healthy cat. At 13 she was diagnosed with IBD (irritable bowel syndrome). On top of that, with 10+ years of so much exercise and excess weight Snickers became very arthritic – jumping on her favourite chairs became difficult over time. Thankfully, with a quality IBD based diet and a plethora of arthritic supplements provided by my local downtown Guelph veterinary clinic, she is having less messy bowel movements and is moving around much better. Thankfully there are no problems jumping up to her couch kingdom anymore!

Why my pet is THE BEST! : If you are a human Snickers will automatically be your best friend. She is always excited to meet new people and show them her approval with loud purrs and sometimes obnoxious head butts. If Snickers really wants attention she will tap your hand a few times with her paw to make sure you notice her – it’s so cute!

Up to no good! : In her younger days I would wake up to high pitch meowing in the middle of the night because she couldn’t jump down from the roof! Late night rescue missions lasted a few years. Now in her old age, trimming thick old lady nails can be tough and she shows her displeasure by swatting and spitting. Thankfully if she’s being too difficult I can bring her to the Guelph Cat Clinic for free nails trims, which is included under her annual wellness plan!

I’m so happy to have met Snickers and be a part of her life because she has shown me that owning a cat is wonderfully fulfilling and will treasure the time I have left with her.

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