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Be they big or small, young or old, long-coated or short-coated, 3-legged, notch-eared, hairless or tailless, they are all beautiful to us. We are constantly entertained by their quirks and personalities. Therefore, we want to ensure that your feline friend remains healthy so they can keep doing what they do best – be themselves!

We understand that bringing your cat to the veterinarian can be an emotional and physical ordeal. If you have to retrieve your cat from under the bed or if you are struggling to get them in their carrier, we encourage you to call us and speak with one of our knowledgeable technicians for advice.

The Team at Guelph Cat Clinic does everything they can to minimize the stress your feline companion may experience during their visit. Here are some of the ways we try to make your and their visit more enjoyable:

  • Longer appointments to address all of your concerns.
  • Individualized treatment plans tailored for you and your cat(s)
  • Slow and gentle handling of your feline companion(s) by people who really know cats
  • Finches in the exam rooms provide distraction and entertainment for the cats
  • Use of the stress-reducing feline pheromone Feliway in all exam rooms
  • Comfy benches in examination rooms for them to lounge upon
  • NO dog noises or smells! What a difference this makes for a cat!
  • Free nail trims for an entire year following one of our Wellness plans.
  • If deemed appropriate, we may prescribe a short-acting anxiolytic which can be administered to your cat prior to an appointment. The goal is to melt away their anxiety rather than to sedate them. This can help with the car ride as well as the visit itself.
  • Some cats travel poorly no matter what. For these cats, a home visit by one of our vets may be the best solution.
  • Carriers can be loaned out to you as a courtesy – because stuff happens!